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“The Secret Garden: The Cinematic Nobel”
Adapted by Linda Chapman
Based on the screenplay by Jack Thorne
Based on the original novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett
Harper Collins Publishers, 2020
This book is the special edition because it’s a cinematic ver, and I honestly really enjoyed it.
I’ve read the story in Japanese when I was just a little kid (of course I’ve been a teen yet though), but it was the first time for me to try it in English!
I highly recommend that you read this book.
Anyway, I actually struggled a lot with this short review because it’s so hard to accurately capture the power that this story has. The more I read it, the more confidence I feel and the more I feel like “I wanna recover, grow up more, and dive into the outside world again.”
(*The previous post I wrote mid-reading is at ⬇️)
My Fascinating Experience through “Reading” | FUTURE KEY (future-key.com)

As a matter of fact, I had stayed in my shell for a long time actually —— because of a great feeling that the outside was filling up with some bad or dangerous things, caused by some certain unfortunate events that happened to me. I’m not gonna tell about the “events” in detail here today (because it would be a trigger for me, even if it’s just “to write,”) but I was certainly afraid of everything outside. So I strongly empathized with Colin’s feelings and thoughts.
It’ll take a lot of confidence to dive into the new world. Sometimes it’s going to cause nervousness. Sometimes it’ll lead to giving up something I’ve already got. Sometimes it’ll lead to bad results. Sometimes ——.
But as I read the stories, my thoughts changed. And the following are some of the passages that really touched me:
“The flowers won’t kill you and if you don’t come with us you’ll die in this bed and all you’ll have seen your whole life will be this wallpaper. Is that what you want?” Mary’s vice rose. “Is it?”
“No,” he muttered.
Mary’s voice softened. “Then let us take you to the garden, Colin. Please?”
“Pollen won’t kill you,” she told him firmly. “You may have hay fever and that might make you want to sneeze or feel a bit breathless, but that’s all. When we’re in a safer place, we’ll work out what hurts and what doesn’t, but for now you have to try, just as I do, not to fuss. Does that sound fair?”
He looked at her mutinously but nodded again.
After absorbing the meaning of this story, I truly thought in my mind: “The only thing I need is the courageous spirit to take a step forward!”
Now I’ve decided to go out and to spread my wings. And every time I feel anxious about something (like my future), I’m sure I’ll go back to this book and cheer myself up. I promise!